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"not a good culture fit"

As a Latina living in San Francisco, you can ask any of my family, friends and neighbors I love social media.

I Google+, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Tumblr, Instagram, Pinterest (not so often yet, have an account), Mixcloud (awesome #DJ tracks) and blog (not too often yet, working on building it). I find myself reading San Francisco Insight under Nation subhead from the SF Sunday Chronicle: "Outsiders can't lean in if they're locked out". (Sunday, July 20, 2014)

It's not a discovery or even a shock but I am appalled Facebook and other high-profile tech companies don't hire more women and people of color. I'm certain these tech companies know very well many different color of folks use all if not one or more of the social media services. I do! I love social media. I love to share my thoughts, ideas, places I've visited to help others trust the establishment/business I just visited. Or even my love for art and culture. Dang! I think of my self diverse and very cultural! How much cultural does one have to be?

In reading this article, it prompt me to write my thoughts because I think it's ridiculous for high profile tech companies NOT to hire people of cultural backgrounds more than white, Asian and men! Women, Latinos, Black and others who love computers, technology, social media are smart and creative.  We have contributed our thoughts, our feedback on places we visit and many other things! I am VERY curious to see and find out how many people of color and women use the popular social media sites? How much has this contributed to the success of these high tech companies? I'm not hating, I'm just saying.

I strongly believe I'm more than just "likable". I can do what a white man and Asians can do because I, too, am "competent, worth higher salaries and more deserving of mentoring"! Train me, train us and the strongest will survive. Trust us! Gain trust if you provide the right tools and training.

I will now enjoy my last night of five here in the beautiful island of Maui, Hawai'i. Yes, I'm on vacation and felt like I had to write my thoughts and tweet to my followers about my new blog post. Until then, Aloha!

July 25, 2014


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