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Happy New Year - 2016! Yup taking a moment to write (finally) in my Blog! Gosh, I tell you I'm a busy girl - from working full time, volunteering 80%+ of my time to my favorite and awesome community - Dogpatch - running 5k's to two (2!) Half marathons, organizing a neighborhood block party to being my buddy from college maid of honor just two weekends ago. I'm too busy to write in my blog post, plus I make time for my honey sweets - Kyle. :)

I want to say my focus this year in 2016 would be to focus more on my writing and sharing the things I do on a personal level, like blogging where I can write more narrative than just "tweets" or Instagrams, or Tumblr, Google+, etc.  I like to write honestly. I used to write a lot in my journal from daily to every other day to once a week to where it started to dwindle. And I would think about this and be sad and unhappy that I'm not writing! It bothered me and then I learned to be okay with it but in the back end of things, I was still bothered by it. I think the way we live and move around in cities like SF, I sometimes or maybe most of the times feel like I don't have the time. Ugh! Yes it's true! When I sit down, I honestly feel, I am wasting my time than standing and moving around and/or going places like meetings, workshops, more outdoor events. I can sit still but not for long and love love being active. 

I have decided to take this thing called: "MOOC" some of you have heard of it for those of you who are into online courses, read a lot or simply just know. A MOOC is Massive Open Online Course. I have a certificate in one from Stanford University from like two years ago. I started a new class TODAY with Coursera called, "Personal Branding".  I like to stay busy as you know but I do recommend these type of free online courses (you get to receive a certificate if you pay a little fee) to improve oneself. I'm always about improving myself and love to stay in the know of life and education. So this will be something for me to better myself, to help me get to THAT next step of confidence in finding a new job/career! 

And stay tuned for my 8th Annual Oscar Viewing Party that I organize each year! 

In addition, I plan to continue to stay healthy and exercise. Work on my resume and get out there and try! 
That being said, I will leave you with the post I shared via the MOOC class online. This is how I introduced myself to the class. Feel free to write a comment. Share a thought or simply say hola. Wishing you all a healthy and wonderful 2016. Be happy! 

Good day everyone! My name is Vanessa. Born and raised in San Francisco. I live and work in the city. I advise undergraduate students at the Academy of Art University with main focus in Film, Acting, Music, Writing and Multimedia Communications. After 15+ years with the University, I am ready to venture outside into a new job. In addition, I am actively involved in my neighborhood association of over 12 years. I successfully organized a neighborhood block party last November 2015 and received a Certificate of Honor by the City and County of San Francisco - something I'm very proud of. Besides the above, I love photography, some blogging, films, running 5k's to 1/2 marathons.

I'm looking in to taking this course to help me brand myself, to build confidence to help me get that next job that best suits me and my personality.
P.S. Image is in my neighborhood called, Dogpatch (south of Mission Bay, east of Potrero Hill and north of Bayview Hunter's Point) in San Francisco. More fun community events and history visit my Facebook Page: Dogpatch Block Party.


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